Advanced Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) Seminar 7-8 February 2018
I had the pleasure to be the Instructor for the Advanced Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) Seminar that was held in Rotterdam last 7-8 February.

This 2-day seminar covered advanced techniques in Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). Each topic module included a lecture and a workshop in which the student works example problems on their personal laptop computer. The seminar included an introduction to PyroSim with the option to complete each module example using FDS or PyroSim.
CEUs: Earn up to CEUs 1.4 | PDHs 14

This 2-day seminar covered advanced techniques in Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). Each topic module included a lecture and a workshop in which the student works example problems on their personal laptop computer. The seminar included an introduction to PyroSim with the option to complete each module example using FDS or PyroSim.
Learning Objectives: Upon completion the participant should understand:
- Pyrolysis and combustion.
- Boundary condition options, including: conduction, multiple layers, fixed temperature, extraction, supply, etc.
- Radiation.
- Smoke detectors and sprinklers.
- Implementing pre and post flashover fires.
- How to create complex geometry.
- Advanced Smokeview techniques: custom iso-surfaces, texture mapping, render files, and cad view.
- Using spreadsheets to develop FDS input files.
- Using PyroSim to create and run FDS input files and view results.
- Prerequisite: Each student should have an understanding of fire dynamics, heat transfer, and fluid dynamics theory to gather the greatest understanding possible from the course.
CEUs: Earn up to CEUs 1.4 | PDHs 14
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